Coen Teulings, Simon Toussaint, 23 Nov 2023 CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18634 We study the shape of the global wealth distribution, using the Forbes List of Billionaires. We develop simple statistics based on ratios of log moments to test the default assumption of a Pareto distribution, which [..]
Coen Teulings, Bas van Bavel, Bram van Besouw, 8 April 2024 CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18974 The protracted emergence of hierarchical government is most clearly epitomized in the shift from tribal societies to chiefdoms, the two archetypical forms of societal organization at either side of [..]
Ioulia V. Ossokina , Jan Svitak , Coen N. Teulings Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2024,104026 Using property-level data from 327 larger shopping areas in the Netherlands, we show that the spatial structure of a shopping area [..]
Rutger-Jan Lange, Coen N. Teulings Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 215, 2024 Abstract: The standard model of irreversible investment under uncertainty considers only the level of the cash flow that could be obtained through the investment. We [..]
April 2023 AbstractThe secular decline in real interest rates has invoked a fierce debate on macro policy over the pastdecade. The distinction between Keynesianism and Monetarism is no longer useful. It makes moresense to distinguish between those who hold that the decline in interest rates is [..]
E. L. van ‘t Klooster & C. N. Teulings (2023) Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1-19. doi: 10.1080/10438599.2023.2194641 ABSTRACT Markups, which are when prices are greater than the marginal cost of production, have increased in the USA over the last decades. Our paper [..]
Axel Gottfries, Coen Teulings Labour Economics 80 (2023) 102292, ISSN 0927-5371 Abstract A wide class of models with On-the-Job Search (OJS) predict that workers gradually select into better jobs. We develop a simple method based on the [..]
Yujiang River Chen and Coen N Teulings Centre for Economic Policy Research CEPR, Discussion Paper Series 10 February 2022 Abstract The extensive literature on minimum wages has found evidence for the compression of relativewages and mixed results for employment. This literature has [..]