Coen Teulings, Simon Toussaint, 23 Nov 2023 CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18634 We study the shape of the global wealth distribution, using the Forbes List of Billionaires. We develop simple statistics based on ratios of log moments to test the default assumption of a Pareto distribution, which is strongly [..]
April 2023 AbstractThe secular decline in real interest rates has invoked a fierce debate on macro policy over the pastdecade. The distinction between Keynesianism and Monetarism is no longer useful. It makes moresense to distinguish between those who hold that the decline in interest rates is due to shifts in [..]
E. L. van ‘t Klooster & C. N. Teulings (2023) Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1-19. doi: 10.1080/10438599.2023.2194641 ABSTRACT Markups, which are when prices are greater than the marginal cost of production, have increased in the USA over the last decades. Our paper explores the differences [..]
Teulings, C.N., I. Ossokina & H. de Groot, Welfare Benefits of Agglomeration and Worker Heterogeneity, Centraal Planbureau, Den [..]
Teulings C.N., Unemployment and house price crisis: Lessons for fiscal policy from the Dutch recession, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies.2014, [..]
Baldwin R., C.N. Teulings: Secular Stagnation: Facts, causes and cures, e-Book. E-Book Review Stephen Williamson, August 19, 2014 Review New York Times, August 15, [..]