April 2023 AbstractThe secular decline in real interest rates has invoked a fierce debate on macro policy over the pastdecade. The distinction between Keynesianism and Monetarism is no longer useful. It makes moresense to distinguish between those who hold that the decline in interest rates is due to shifts in [..]
Presentation Inet Secural Stagnation Conference, New York, December 15, [..]
Lecture course for DG-Ecfin EU, Brussels on November 13 and December 1, 2017 Lecture 1 Lecture [..]
Teulings C.N., Secular Stagnation, Rational Bubbles, and Fiscal Policy, working paper version September 30, 2016 In the debate on Secular Stagnation, usually interpreted as the steady decline in the real interest rate since 1990, people have worried about the risk of bubbles blowing up. Bubbles have a negative [..]
Teulings C.N, Are Bubbles Bad? Is a higher debt target for the Euro-zone desirable? Paper for the CES Ifo Conference in Venice, March [..]
Presentation Bruegel-Kobe conference 'Secular Stagnation in Europe and Japan', Brussels, October 5, [..]
Teulings C.N., Unemployment and house price crisis: Lessons for fiscal policy from the Dutch recession, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies.2014, [..]
Baldwin R., C.N. Teulings: Secular Stagnation: Facts, causes and cures, e-Book. E-Book Review Stephen Williamson, August 19, 2014 Review New York Times, August 15, [..]
Teulings, C.N. & N. Zubanov (2013), Is Economic Recovery a Myth? Robust Estimation of Impulse Responses, Journal of Applied [..]
Teulings, C.M. (2012), Why politicians prefer austerity to long-term fiscal reform, McKinsey, [..]
Teulings, C.N. (2012), Fiscal consulation and reforms Substitutes, not complements, [..]
Elbourne, A. & C.N. Teulings (2011), The potential of a small model, CPB Discussion Paper 193, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy [..]
Broersma, L., J. Koeman & C.N. Teulings (2000), Labour supply, the natural rate, and the welfare state in the Netherlands: the wrong institutions at the wrong point in time, Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 52(1), p. [..]