Ioulia V. Ossokina , Jan Svitak , Coen N. Teulings Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2024,104026 Using property-level data from 327 larger shopping areas in the Netherlands, we show that the spatial structure of a shopping area resembles a [..]
Rutger-Jan Lange, Coen N. Teulings Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 215, 2024 Abstract: The standard model of irreversible investment under uncertainty considers only the level of the cash flow that could be obtained through the investment. We present a general model [..]
Rutger-Jan Lange and Coen N Teulings 6 April 2021, CEPR Discussion Paper Series Abstract Urban structures and urban growth rates are highly persistent. This has far-reaching implicationsfor the optimal size and timing of new construction. We prove that rational developers postponeconstruction not because [..]
Yujiang Chen and Coen Teulings, January 2020 [Preliminary] Abstract Recent papers suggest a strong interaction between agglomeration externalities and human capital. We develop a general equilibrium model with multiple regions where agglomeration benefits are increasing in human capital. Regions [..]
George Gelauff, Ioulia Ossokina, Coen Teulings Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 121, March 2019, Pages [..]
Teulings C.N., I.V. Ossokina, J. Svitak, The Urban economics of retail, CPB Discussion Paper/352, June 1, 2017 Discussion [..]
Teulings C.N., I.V. Ossokina, J. Svitak, The Urban economics of retail, version August 12, [..]
de Groot H.L.F., G. Marlet, C.N. Teulings, W. Vermeulen, Cities and the Urban Land Premium, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015 Book Review Jean Cavailhès, April 2016 Review David Albouy, University of Illinois, March 2017 Review Roberto Antoinietti, University Padova, Italy, March [..]
Gautier, P.A., M. Svarer & C.N. Teulings (2010), Marriage and the city: Search frictions and sorting of singles, Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 67(2), p. [..]
Gautier, P.A., M. Svarer & C.N. Teulings (2009), Sin City? Why is the Divorce Rate Higher in Urban Areas?, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 111(3), p. [..]
Gautier, P.A. & C.N. Teulings (2009), Search and the city, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 39(3), p. [..]